'Birds of Childhood - Blue tit' print
'Birds of Childhood - Goldfinch' print
'Blue dodo' print
'Eagle owl' print
'Barn owl' print
'Lunar tiger' print
'Mary Lywd' print
'Krampusnacht' print
'Househead Rabbit' print
'Golden PumpkinCat' print
'Memories of a Pigeon' print
'Amur Leopard' print
'Dance of the Sugar PumpkinCat' print
'All trauma needs salvation' print
'Lost Dodo' print
'Where are we going now?' print
'Memory of a pidgeon' acrylic painting
'All trauma needs salvation' acrylic painting
'Rotten blood' acrylic painting
'Birds of Childhood - Sparrow' acrylic painting
'Birds of Childhood - Blackbird' acrylic painting